Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday 05 October

Did...Googletalked with my hubby, ate Tomato soup with croutons, went to JCW's with my 2 of my girls, folded laundry, watched Top Chef, Just Desserts, listened to Bossypants on my iPod.

Thought..."I'm not ready for Fall", "I'm never going to be ready for my daughters to date", "I need to buy a shotgun".

Saw...A chicken running down the road (no lie!), ummmm...I'm still laughing about the chicken. Oh yeah, I also saw this:

Wished...I could sleep through the night (I can't remember the last time I went to bed and stayed asleep until morning, even with a sleep aid), Dulce de Leche cheesecake was fat free and calorie free.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday 04 October:

Did...I cooked breakfast for dinner. Yum! I think that's the best thing I did all day.

Saw...a jogger pick up a $1 bill he spotted on the ground, a dirty bathroom that needs to be cleaned.

Thought..."I should really work out tonight" and "I really don't want to work out tonight".

Wished...that I saw the $1 bill before the jogger, that my son wouldn't have told me the story about the boy in his class that ripped off a huge scab and then proceeded to smear blood all over his paper.

The End.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


After a long absence from blogging, which I'm sure resulted in a few candle vigils mourning my disappearance, I'm back. My format will be a little different but I won't lie. It's pure laziness. I'm going to keep this as sort of a journal if you will. I will list things I did, saw, thought, & wished for the previous day. This is groundbreaking journalism people!!!! Names may, or may not, be changed....depending on how mad you made me OR how happy you made me.

Oct 3, 2011

Things I did.....cursed my alarm at 5:10am, shaved my legs (your welcome), ate my oatmeal with a spoonful of canned pumpkin (don't knock it 'til you try it), the hours of 8am to 4p were a blur but I'm pretty sure I worked, fixed dinner, fed the neighbor kid sugar,ran and almost puked, fed the neighbor kid more sugar, passed out. sweet daughter try diligently to master her lower case 'a'.

Thought...."I hate my alarm", "I'm in trouble with the neighbor kids mom", "I can't wait for Biggest Loser tomorrow night"

Wished....that Harry Connick Jr. would be my neighbor, running didn't hurt my feet, for a good night's sleep.

For the record - I confessed my dietary faux pas to my neighbor & I don't think she is pressing charges.