Monday, September 22, 2008

The Power of the Graham

So...yesterday after church Paige informs me that the Beehives are in charge of treats for BYD (Bishop's Youth Discussion for all you YM/YW impaired. That's Young Men/Young Women...geesh!).
My mind immediately goes to the fastest and easiest treats in my repertoire. Before I could even finish my thought she says, "Someone is already doing no bake cookies and brownies." Dang IT ALL!!!! My 2 fastest options are gone, down the drain, kapuut!

I ponder....I ponder about praying....I ponder some more. Inspiration hits me like a truck. I'll make some frosting (quick, easy, 1 bowl, low mess) and ........

(insert the sound of an angelic choir singing)
I wIlL fRoSt GrAhAm CrAcKeRs!!!!

Who can resist little mock sandwiches with a sugary filling? Paige was not happy. I could read her thoughts...."this is so lame....they will laugh at the heck can I get out of this???"

She went...
They ate...
and ate...
empty plate...
I was right....
She smiled....

I am so the coolest mom.


Mary Denton Taylor said...

Wow, you really are the coolest!!! And I want graham crackers, too!!!

Rachel said...


And you could have called and used my can of chocolate frosting from my fridge!!

Cool mom.

Jen said...

All Hail the Coolest Mom!!! I bow before you.

Kim said...

My mom used to make those too. Yum.

Small town country girl said...

some times the simple things are best

I always default to your favorite food rice krispie treats made a double batch extra marshmellow for our outing Saturdat night and poof all gone