Humans are creatures of habit. We all have something we do everyday, or every Sunday afternoon, etc. I was thinking about this as I dished up my salad from the rockin' salad bar at the COB.
My salad always consists of lettuce (duh!), spinach, peas, hard boiled egg whites (I try to pick out the yolks if I can get away with it and no one is looking), 1 sweet pickle, 1 beet, 1/4 C. cottage cheese, and lemon juice on top. Every darn day.
Other habits that I have:
I put my left shoe on first. One day I picked up my right shoe and went to put it on and it felt oh so wrong. I had to put it down and start with the left.
I like to go to bed with my socks on, but about midnight kick them off. Every night.
If I ride the bus - going to work I tend to sit on the left side of the bus, coming home is the right side. Weird.
I fall asleep on my left side nearly every night (so does Berkley). Once in awhile I'll be on my stomach.
Every morning I hit my snooze at least once, but usually 3 times. I cannot remember the last time I got up right when my alarm went off.
Oatmeal every morning sometime between 8-8:30am, 3 minutes in the microwave and there is a little line in my mug so I know exactly how much water to put in it. Not too runny, not to pastey. Oh so right!
What kind of creature are you????