I was taking my morning stroll through People.com and saw this picture. Do you realize Rebecca Romijn gave birth to twins on.........................................28 December?!?!
I'm no dummy- I know she probably has a trainer and a cook. But STILL!!!! How does one look so good after twins? There are basic laws of physics that must have been broken to achieve this body 35 days after giving birth.
I'm still trying to shed baby weight and Paige just turned 13.
One of celebrities main jobs is to look good at all times. If that was our job we would be working out twice a day and pay someone thousands a week just to cook us healthy meals too....but I agree, I hate them! I've never even had a kid and I don't look as good as her post baby.
Well it's a fact that losing your baby weight too quickly is not only bad for your body but also does bad things to your milk if breastfeeding. So just think of it this way, you are trying to lose the weight at a healthy pace! :)
Gah, that is crazy.
Ahhhh, to be famous and rich. I agree with Jaime...it is part of my job to look good all the time so I can relate to the pressure :)
Also remember that she probably have that same cook and personally trainer(s) throughout the pregnancy as well...
Not to mention the fact that she is one of the extremely rare women (one-tenth of one-percent of women) that actually has that body type in the first place... certainly not an accurate or healthy body image for the vast majority of women to seek after...
Sorry to get on my soap box, but as a sociologist-type person (so I claim), I have real concerns regarding the portrayal/image of the female body set forth by celebrities, perpetuated by the media... it creates such an inaccurate and simply unattainable picture/"ideal" for woman, and I really worry about my young girls growing up with that... Anyway... that is enough from me...
So is this dangerous territory for a man to linger in and say i'm a very big fan of Rebecca?
Thanks for the laugh, Bruce!
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