Monday, November 3, 2008

The "F" word!

We were sitting at the dinner table last night and suddenly Berkley announced, "I farted." Of course we laughed and I told her to say "I had gas." I think she learned it at daycare because we typically don't use the "F" word. Then I told her to say "I fluffed." Bruce hates that word-which is why I suggested it :-)

So what phrase is better? Fluffed? Gas? Bubble? Any other suggestions?


Becky said...

My family used to say popped. Looking back, it seems really funny, but it was really normal then!

Allens said...

I like the way they did it in the movie Shawn of the Dead. Simply say your sorry. When everyone asks why you are sorry give them a second to breathe in the (not so fresh) air and then laugh your head off.

Jen said...

I like tooted!

Trimble said...

I'm with Jen, not sure who she is but she has a cool name :)

Rachel said...

Hannah's preschool teacher was a real crack up and taught her to say, "I stepped on a duck."

Kim said...

I liked stepped on a duck. I think we would say tooted when Jonathan was little. He has since learned the "f" word at school.

heAtHeR said...

yea, i can't stand fart either. we say, "let a smelley!" :)