Thursday, January 29, 2009


You've probably seen me talk about Potsy, our Weimaraner (see blog title for pronunciation), on this blog. He was a dog we adopted and weren't sure if we would be able to keep him (for various reasons). He has really become a part of the family and here is why I fell in love with the breed years ago. These are not my pictures (thank heavens for Google) but they help show why this is such a beautiful breed.

Puppies are born with blue eyes but they turn yellow as adults. They have such a regal presence. They were originally bred to hunt large game (bears, boars, deer) so if a bear shows up in our neighborhood Potsy will save us.
There is a famous photography who has done work for Sesame Street (see video below) and also books with his dogs posing dressed up. If you have a minute watch the videos. The first is short and the second one is longer.

I am looking forward to Spring so we can teach our Potsy some fun tricks and play with him outside. He's learned quite a bit and I can put a piece of chicken in front of him and he won't eat it until I give him the command. Now I need to figure out how to teach Bruce the same trick! (ha-ha...I just thought of that...I love you sweetheart!)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Personal Editorial

Yes, I saw a rated R movie. Yes, I loved it. It is my opinion that the rating system is a little wacky. I would rather my children see Slumdog Millionaire then let them watch The Dark Knight ever again. I believe Slumdog had less swearing than in a PG-13 movie, 80% less violence than in Dark Knight. If you saw Dark Knight you can't tell me you finished that movie feeling good!!!!!

It is a movie about a boy from the slums of India who goes on the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire. They think he cheated because how could an uneducated boy know all of these answers? He flashes back to moments and experiences in his life that depict how he knew the answer. There is a love story mixed in but it's touching, tender and uplifting.

My OPINION as to why it's rated R is due to the fact it show the brutal and inhumane realities of life in India. The homeless children, the religious divide and a few violent scenes (all of which were far less graphic than any PG 13 movie) cause you to hold your breath a little. But it's reality, it's a fact, it's an issue.....a crazy man dressed up like a Joker is no where near reality.

I know I'm rambling, I know I'm picking on Dark Knight but I also I know I am entitled to my own opinion. Some might say I justified my seeing a rated R movie. Who cares. I saw it and I loved it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Singing Time

Sorry for the dark picture. Berkley was teaching us some songs last night. Top: ABC's

Bottom: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Can you spot the pseudo celebrity?

Second from the left and second from the right are my niece and nephew. They had an encounter in Park City last weekend with some sort-of, kind-of celebrities.

Does anyone recognize the people on each end and the dude with the red scarf?

Hint: If I were to name this photo it would be "I SURVIVED Sundance."

I want to clarify that I'm not mocking Drew and Ashley's encounter....I would quite enamoured if I had run into these people myself.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blast from the Past

I know I'm taking a big risk. Subjecting myself to ridicule. Subjecting others to the same. I have immunity because I am a product of the 80's.

Here are some dance pictures from way, way back. The olden days. When a Walkman was cool. Big hair a sign of social status. Shoulder pads a must. Thompson Twins, Boy George, and Tears For Fears were at the top of the charts.

Every dance has it's own story, hairstyle, dress, and embarrassing moment. Maybe one day I'll share.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I caught the correct bus today!
(insert happy dance here)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

True Confession

So on a scale of brain dead am I?

The bus pulls in to the park-n-ride lot this morning.
I check the number, or so I think!
I get on.
I find a seat.
About 90th South I wonder why the bus driver is in the slow lane instead of the HOV lane. "What a lame driver" I think to myself. "I'm never taking this later bus again."
It hits me, like a hammer to the stomach.


I'm on bus 810 that goes to the U of U. I nearly start openly weeping. I frantically text Jen & Bruce (because somehow it made me feel better to confess my utter stupidity??).

I try not to have a panic attack in front of everyone. I slowly, as to not draw attention to myself, tuck my work ID badge in my bag so no one can see I work NO WHERE near the U of U.

As we approach the U of U campus I try to discreetly lean over to a woman (who I saw reading the Book or Mormon so I figure she will be nice and is familiar with the whole 'charity' thing) and ask her which stop is closest to the TRAX station.

"I don't normally take this bus, but I need to meet someone at the TRAX station (she didn't need to know it was the TRAX operator who would take me downtown). Which stop do I get off at?"

She politely answered and I'm hoping she didn't see the beads of sweat trickling down my forehead.

To make a long story semi-long: I made it to work and it only took me 1 1/2 hours instead of my normal 45 minutes, I got a great tour of Research Park, I rode a TRAX line that I've never ridden before, I made a new friend (thank you Book of Mormon reading stranger for not laughing directly in my face), and I've learned that 810 looks nothing like 802.

**Sigh** I need more sleep.

If you think I was brain dead today, you haven't heard about the day I drove to work and left my car running ALL day in the Church Office Building parking lot. It takes a strong woman to confess such idiotic actions.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thank you Ash!

Last time we went to Idaho I meant to take a picture of this house. Ashley did and posted it on her BLOG and I admit I'm stealing - thanks Ash.

Yes, it's a real house. Does anyone remember the Teton Dam breaking in the 70's? I think the owner lost his house in the flood and rebuilt in the shape of a boat for added insurance. I was actually in Rexburg when it happened, visiting my cousins.

Side story: My cousin went to school with Bruce. In all my years visiting family in Rexburg Bruce and I MAY have crossed paths. How weird is that?!?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Excuse me??

I've done a few dumb things over the past thirty-something years....but watching this makes me feel like a Harvard graduate.

(I also want to know where the lady went to be by herself)

Carbon Imprint

So, my carbon imprint on the world was quite high today. 45 Minutes between the Thanksgiving Point and Bluffdale exit.

This is me heading North, going up the Point of the Mountain. BEFORE I realized the nightmare which was awaiting me.

This was my top speed...and it was only for a few minutes. I think my average speed was 2 mph.
This is why. "Dude! You're going to wrong way!"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Too Much!

I have too much to talk about today! If everything I was thinking of was an article in the paper here are the headlines:

Lehi Man Wins Husband of the Year! (Bruce got me a personal trainer for Christmas who comes to my house 2x a week)

Two Year Old Has Tummy Troubles. (Berkley is constipated...TMI? sorry)

Utah Woman Hasn't Slept For 3 Days. (I've been sleeping impaired...only 3-4 hours per night. The worst part? No particular reason except that I'm SLEEPING IMPAIRED!)

Winter Blues Settle In. (I am SO over this snow)

Money? What money? (2 kids start braces this month)

Child Protective Services Investigate Incident. (I'm such a mean mom. I make my kids take home lunch 4 days a week and they only get 1 school lunch per week. I think my kids hate me for that)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Kennedy

Kennedy turned a whopping 11 years old yesterday. Here are a few things about Kennedy that make her unique.

She is named after a VJ fromMTV (VJ= Video Jocky...when MTC actually played music videos). When I was pregnant with her I was watching t.v. and this person was on and I just loved her name. She had a unique name 11 years ago...I hear it more now. I like to think I started a trend.

She loves cats. This is a picture of her from last Summer. Our family in Idaho has cats and that is where she gets her kitty fix.

She has had a tooth pulled without any anesthetic. It wasn't even loose but needed to come out because of an infection. Brave girl. She says she will never to it again but she gets a lot of points for doing it once.

She is quite the joker. Sometimes it gets her in trouble (a little bit) and we need to help her keep her sarcasm in bounds.

She is a sensitive girl and has a tender heart.

She also has tender arms due to her getting allergy shots 2-3 times each month. She will be so tough that the Navy Seals will recruit her.

She sleep walks...which is quite funny for me and Bruce. She wanders in our room once in awhile and we know she is under the influence of the REM cycle.

She is a good friend to many and it's fun to see her circle of friends grow.

As a baby she didn't develop a sucking reflex. Therefore we taped her binky in her mouth (not really but it was a thought) and she had to use a special bottle that babies with a cleft palate use.