Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

I'm finally going to do it! I'm going to make my own gingerbread houses and have a fun evening decorating them with the kids.

If anyone wants to join in I would like to do it Friday December 12th, in the evening.

I have a gingerbread recipe and pattern as well as a frosting recipe. If you want to participate we could pool the fun candy used to decorate with.

You would have to make your houses ahead of time and assemble them as well.

If you are interested leave a comment. For you faithful 22nd Ward readers I've also posted this on the RS blog...but pass is along to others if you think someone else would like to do it.
(But you don't have to be in the 22nd ward to be able to participate, but that's the main demographic of my faithful followers)


Kim said...

I'm in. That sounds like fun!

Trimble said...

Do you have a time in mind yet?

Rachel said...

Isn't the 12th the ward party day?

Or am I super confused? I thought that was the day I said I'd being potatoes?

But I want to do it too. I love making them!

Fancypants said...

The Ward party is on Saturday the 13th at the Stake Center.

I was thinking of starting around 7pm, but it's flexible and I guess you can just come when you want. I have room for 12 people to sit at one time.

I will be making my gingerbread tonight so I can pass the pattern along to someone else...unless you have your own pattern. It's not a huge house, just enough to have fun decorating.

Jen said...

I would like the recipe, Lori wanted to do this on Christmas Eve.

Rachel said...

Ok, heh, this is so funny. My calender for December is one day off. Like, it is saying the 12th is Saturday. But November is ok. And so is January. (It is that one they were selling at Costco by Eric Dowdle and it started in Sept. and goes to next Dec.)

ONLY Dec. is messed up. Glad I figured this out (I've been vaguely confused all month, and this would explain why.)

Anyhoo, I would love the pattern!

Small town country girl said...

Hey Nancy did you see the Rice Krispie Gingerbred house kit

sounds like fun but I probably will have to pass