Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gingerbread Houses update


I have a conflict for Friday night. I think Saturday will be better, about Noon. If you can make it - great. If not I'm sorry. I still have the pattern if anyone wants to borrow it - just let me know.

1/3 C. (rounded) meringue powder and 3/4 C. water (or 6 egg whites)
1 tsp. cream of tartar
2 lbs. powdered sugar
damp kitchen towel

Beat ingredients thoroughly with electric mixer in a large bowl. Beat about 5 minutes until frosting stands at stiff peaks. Add more powdered sugar if icing does not stand at stiff peaks. Keep bowl covered at all times with a damp towel to prevent the icing from drying out and becoming hard.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeasy


Kim said...

I ended up with a conflict Friday too, but Saturday is worse so I'm just going to let Jonathan decorate a kit like we do every year.

If anyone needs the cream of Tartar I have some from making this icing last year.

Mary Denton Taylor said...

You forgot the rice and cheesy!!!