Tuesday, December 9, 2008


If you want to make Gingerbread Houses here is the recipe for the dough. I was only able to bake 2 of my 4 houses last night...sorry. I will have a template for you to start passing around today after I get home from work. Who will be ready for it at 5pm??? I will run it over.

Gingerbread Recipe
1 square plus 1/3 C. soft margarine
1 1/2 C. firmly packed brown sugar
2 TBL cinnamon
4 tsp giner
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 C. water
5 C. flour

Mix well and knead by hand when you add the last cup of flour is added. Divide dough into 3 equal portions. Roll dough out on the back of a well floured 11x17 cookie sheet. Dough should be 1/8" thick.

In 300 degree oven bake (one sheet at a time) for 10 minutes . Pull out and place house pattern on dough and cut around the patter with a sharp knife. Return pan to the oven and bake 15-20 minutes longer. After completely baked remove from ove and IMMEDIATELY remove your pieces from the pan to prevent sticking.

Eat the extra edges.

RATS!!!! I just realized I don't have the icing recipe. Tune in tomorrow or later today.


Jen said...

Thanks, I need the icing and the pattern if you have it.

E, Me & I said...

Hey, Yeah, freaking delicious.. I'm stealing this too... tuning in for tomorrow.

thanks for adding me back to your list. :)